Lord JESUS, my Heart beats in the RITUAL LONGING for You.
Come, Godly SPIRIT, into me with God’s LONGING,
Come into me, oh JESUS, where I too shall sing for you,
Come, Godly FATHER, so I may fall into YOUR ARMS,
So I may partake of the HOLY SUPPER.
Rejoice, oh HESYCHY,
The Mystery LITURGY of Christ’s LOVE.
You Heart aflame with the LONGING God,
Open up your Depths,
Open your door for God-the WORD to step in,
Light up, oh my Heart, for the One Who is LITURGY, is slowly approaching,
Be the CHALICE whereto the Divine EUCHARIST is descending,
Be the Holy Table of the IMAGE Above,
So the great PRIEST JESUS may Celebrate the LITURGY of DIVINE LOVE.
Come, Mind, and kneel down into my Heart
And listen to the LITURGY of LOVE.
Take off the shoes of all “natural moves”,
Bow thy forehead beyond the floor of flesh,
Step into the Heart of the Treasury of Mysteries.
You Heart, Church of Creation,
Be the Shed of Bethlehem,
Be the Temple where the curse-Redeeming LAMB is sacrificed,
Be the tomb of the Crucified,
So you may Resurrect with the One Who vanquished sin.
Oh JESUS, the Singing of Divine LOVE,
JESUS, Come LITURGISE into my Heart,
JESUS, descend Your Peace onto the earthly,
Rejoice, oh HESYCHY,
Mystery of Christ’s LITURGY OF LOVE.
A certain Word of Yours EMBODIES, Creating my Being,
And this Word is the sparkle that Creates me,
An Icon of God Embodied into an Icon of Creation.
A certain Icon-Word of Yours Created me,
My Being is the Icon-Image of this Word of Yours
And in this ICON we MEET and find each other.
Lord, the mystery of my Creation fills me with awe.
A Word-Image of Yours
Also Creates an Image of Creation for me.
You Yourself become my Brother
And my Life goes along with YOUR LIFE,
And my Life and Yours go apart no more.
My Life of Creation must be along YOUR LIFE
For You descend into me, Creating my Life,
And I ascend into You, Partaking of YOUR LIFE.
And I must live likewise,
You Embody in me in Eternity.
And so do I endlessly “Ascend” into You.
Before God the FATHER everything must be Perfect.
The Perfect State of Creation is the very Image of Christ,
For through the Vestment of HIS IMAGE all those below can reach perfection.
The imperfection of sin brings on the “Cry of sorrow”
Brings about the grief of death-the contrary.
LOVE struggles between Life and death,
Yet LOVE can never die.
LOVE’S Impossibility to die
Becomes the Altar of the LITURGY-the RESSURECTION,
The Altar of Immortality Reborn to LIFE.
LOVE SACRIFICED on the Altar of Sorrow
Brings back to Life the IMAGE OF LOVE out of the fallen grave.
Oh Lord, LOVE is LIFE lived in Never-ending LOVE,
LOVE and LIFE are the Ceaseless LITURGISING,
And both MEET in Reciprocal COMMUNION.
Not one moment may the LITURGY OF LOVE stop.
Though You have RISEN from Your Cross,
Our sins still “pain” Your LOVE
And “open the Wounds of Your Passions” . . .
Oh, LORD, DIVINE LOVE beyond words,
Through YOUR endless LITURGISING
From “sin” YOU “bring us back” to LOVE again.
LOVE is an Endless “opening” of LIFE
In LITURGISING Together at the same time,
Eternal LIFE and Eternal LOVE.
(published in the volume "Hesychasm", Platytera Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007, pp. 21-24. Translation from Romanian: Alice Butnar.
Copyright: Platytera Publishing House.
The Romanian (Original) Version can be found here.
The German Version can be found here.
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