Sfântul Ioan Botezătorul, tempera painting by Georgeta Marioara
Oh, my Saint, my Saint,
You are the Father that GOD chose as intercessor
To Create me from His GIFT.
It is you also by Your intercession
That my Parents Begot me,
For lest You adopted me first,
My Begetting would never have been.
You, my Saint, are the first
To Believe that I the sinner
Will depart from sin in the end...
Oh, my Saint, Your Faith in my Salvation
Is held by GOD Himself,
And in your Faith I do believe myself!
Published in the volume "Hesychasm", Platytera Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007, p. 73. Translation from Romanian: Alice Butnar.
Copyright: Platytera Publishing House.
The Romanian (Original) Version can be found here.
The German Version can be found here.
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