vineri, 27 august 2010

night asylum (poem by Florin Caragiu, English translation: Simona Sumanaru)

photo: Titus Mureşan

I lost my heart –
my night asylum

life is a door notched with the knife
freshly emerged from the twilight palette

you stand on the threshold, your lips slightly pursed
not knowing what holds you back from entering or leaving

the street hangs from the window frame,
the pendulum clock that broke last night
utters a long-forgotten murmur

it runs, it struggles, always missing the path
to the shelter for wandering visions.

the heart is a blind man’s song
that the Lord passes by

(poem published in the volume "catacombe. aici totul e viu" ("catacombs. everything is alive here"), Vinea Publishing House, Bucharest, 2008, p. 75. English translation: Simona Sumanaru.)

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